Keep your Docker apps up-to-date

When your base images are updated, will send you a notification. Never miss a security patch or bug fix again!

Security FTW

Your Docker app extends a base image, which is usually a runtime of some kind (e.g., Python, Ruby, .NET, ...).

You can subscribe to this base image in, and we will notify you of all updates to that base image. This includes bug fixes for your runtime and security patches for your underlying OS.

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Know what you're running in production

Docker base images are kinda confusing. Your build machine caches base images by default, and that cached image is used to build your app's image. This caching can result in out-of-date base images underneath your app in production.

With, you base your app on a specific version of your base image, and all updates are checked into source control. This means you always know what's running in production. And even after your app is "done", you'll still be notified of important updates!

Reliable builds - for your teammates, too

Your local dev machine also caches base images. That means that you and your coworker can both be on the same commit and build the same Dockerfile, but end up with different runtime behavior. Usually this isn't a problem, but when it's a problem, it's a problem.

When using, you reference a specific base image version in your source control, and if you and your coworker are on the same commit, then you will both build the same image with the same runtime behavior!

Simple, fair pricing

All subscriptions cost the same: $1/month. This "pays the rent" for our machines to poll your base image 24x7 and send your notifications.

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